Remember | New collection of ARTWORKs loading

one symphony - acrylic paintings in progress

Recently, I started working on a new collection of canvases and an illustration series, both connected by a theme called 'Remember.'

The inspiration behind this collection is unity and the moment when you start to see, you start to remember. The whole collection is all about remembering.

This is a very intimate theme for me and I love to share this intimacy with you. And btw. I really love to focus more on remembering than forgetfulness. There is something much more alive in it!

My creations refer to Wholeness in Unity, noticing that there is a singular symphony representing interconnectedness.

The acrylic canvas series portrays a single female figure. The female aspect symbolizes receptivity, vulnerability, heart, and sensitivity, all qualities where great power resides. It's a power that doesn't rule but nourishes. The figure stands alone against a backdrop of blue sky, seen from the ground looking towards the sky. She's alone but not lonely. She's wholly fulfilled by herself, with open eyes to see, an open heart to feel, an open body to sense, and open ears to listen. She is as important as a blade of grass as a leaf in the wind.

I also often get questions about the figure itself. People point to the fact that the figures I paint look often like me. In this question, I can feel the hint of “how important it is that you are painting yourself? What does it actually mean?”. It means nothing. I am not painting somebody. My paintings love to express something my heart connects to. And the female figure is the perfect symbol for me. btw. This is an open invitation to be my reference for the next painting. We will just meet, and connect. This is how the art happens:)

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from the art studio
from the art studio

Each illustration in this series is accompanied by simple words or expressions, echoing the resonance of interconnectedness. The combination of the simple drawings and words is just a note in the whole symphony. There's little sense in focusing on the meaning of this one note. You can call it by its name, learn some music theory, but for what purpose? Just listen to the beautiful symphony created from these little notes, be still and let it circulate in your veins.

This is an invitation to watch as I create simple notes, see how they connect, and listen as they start to sing.

Subscribe to my newsletter to see how the pieces of this one symphony are being stitched together, along with more about the inspiration behind them, and their stories.

I can already share that the canvas paintings will also be offered as limited edition prints for those who wish to have a piece in his/her home. I can also share that the illustrations will be available as posters, pillows, and other beautiful home accessories to grace your own spaces. It brings me so much joy to beautify things of ordinary use.

You have much to look forward to at the end of October when the whole collection will be released.

love from my studio, Veronika


The process >>


"Remember", a collection that whispers the beauty of shared connections.


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